Osborn Faculty and Staff

10 Osborn Road, Rye, NY 10580



Angela Garcia / garcia.angela@ryeschools.org 

914-967-6100, ext. 5000


Assistant Principal 

Rachel Lifson / lifson.rachel@ryeschools.org

914-967-6100, ext. 5001


Elementary PPS Supervisor- CSE & 504

Linda Flanagan / flanagan.linda@ryeschools.org

914-967-6100, ext. 4002



Julissa Marcano / marcano.julissa@ryeschools.org

914-967-6100, ext. 5070


School Nurse

Kimberlee Potter/ potter.kimberlee@ryeschools.org

914-967-6100, ext. 5050


School Councelor

Emma McCabe / mccabe.emma@ryeschools.org


Occupational Therapy

Heather Hay / hay.heather@ryeschools.org


Physical Therapy

Susan Paulson / paulson.susan@ryeschools.org


Speech & Language Therapy  

Samantha Gleason / gleason.samantha@ryeschools.org 


Special Education Teacher 

Jennifer Johnson / johnson.jennifer@ryeschools.org


Special Education Teacher 

Sarah Barry / barry.sarah@ryeschools.org


Special Education Teacher 

Katy Buderman / buderman.katy@ryeschools.org


Special Education Teacher 

Jennifer Tavolacci / tavolacci.jennifer@ryeschools.org


Special Education Teacher 

Brian Scarano / scarano.brian@ryeschools.org


Special Education Teacher 

Eileen O'Reilly / oreilly.eileen@ryeschools.org


Special Education Teacher 

Cara Marasco / marasco.cara@ryeschools.org


Teacher  of the Deaf 

TBD (Listening Partners)






















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